Sunday, November 25, 2012


I have them right now.

In a very good way.

Hoping hard things work out.

More to come.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Keep On Keeping On

i have not been doing well lately.

Not just lately, i guess. Since the summer.

i've gone against what i try to do.

Don't get too high, don't get too low.

To just keep swimming.

i've gotten too low.
i am barely treading water.

Gotta tell you.
It sucks.

i've forgotten that writing what's in my head makes me feel better.

i hope to keep that at the forefront in the coming days and weeks.

There are some things to catch up on.

Not right now.
i need to feel a little more steady before opening myself,
Remembering and telling.

i don't have right to ask for patience with me, but i'd like it anyway.

my journey has been hard, i've not been unscathed,
But i believe i am back on the road and out of the muck & mire
That i have been traveling through for months now.